Bramley as an espalier?

Some people say that you can’t grow a variety like Bramley’s Seedling as an espalier (or cordon) because they are what’s known as ‘tip bearers’ meaning that the very tip of each extension will bear fruit.

Well with some careful pruning you can!

We do and sell a lot of Bramley’s Seedling as espalier and cordon and the trick is to establish a good framework, which we will have formed for you in our trees. Then in practice any shorter laterals( those growing approx 6-8 inches) should be left to develop fruit buds on the tip. These unpruned shorter laterals can then be pruned in later years back to fruit buds nearer the branch to develop spurs.

If you’re unsure give us a call on 01420 488822.

Bramley as an espalier?
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